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Using Arrows with HubSpot

Using Arrows with HubSpot

Syncing Arrows forms directly to HubSpot properties

A guide for syncing your Arrows forms to HubSpot properties so that form answers get passed directly to the HubSpot object the plan is tied associated with.

Automatically include tasks and phases in your plans

With Dynamic branching, you can include or exclude the tasks and phases in your onboarding plans so that each customer sees only the steps they need without your teams spending manual time updating each plan

Set up Pipeline automations in Arrows

A guide for setting up Arrows pipeline automations to move your onboarding records through HubSpot pipelines automatically as your plan participants make their way through their plan!

HubSpot workflow setup - create Arrows plan

A guide for setting up a HubSpot workflow to create an Arrows plan based on the deal stage a customer is in and a bonus HubSpot task to notify your team a customer is ready to start onboarding

Publish template changes to existing plans

When you make changes or additions to your templates, you can choose to publish those changes to active plans that were already created from those templates!

Automatically transfer an Arrows plan between HubSpot objects

This is a setup guide for using the Transfer Arrows Plan workflow action in HubSpot to transfer an Arrows plan from one record to another (ex. sales deal to onboarding deal)

Arrows <> HubSpot Setup Guide

A comprehensive guide to connecting and using Arrows with HubSpot

Which data points are available to sync from Arrows to HubSpot?

Here are the available plan attributes along with a short description and example of what you can expect to be synced into your HubSpot Deal or Ticket property.

Creating HubSpot properties for your Arrows plan data

Instructions to set up the data sync between Arrows plans and HubSpot custom properties

Locating and using the Arrows card inside HubSpot

A walk-through for locating, reading, and taking action on your customer-facing plans without having to leave HubSpot

Arrows plan updates in HubSpot activity Timeline

You can send and engaged with plan notifications directly into HubSpot activity Timeline on the Deal or Ticket that the plan is associated with. Follow the steps in this article to turn on this setting in Arrows, select your desired notifications, and turn on the notifications in HubSpot.

Autocomplete Arrows tasks based on conditions in HubSpot

A walk-through for configuring tasks to automatically be marked as done based on conditions in a HubSpot property.

Uninstalling Arrows from HubSpot

A guide to uninstall the Arrows application from your HubSpot account after you have authenticated the two

Creating a HubSpot deal pipeline to manage customer onboarding

A walk-through for setting up an onboarding pipeline that can be used to visualize and report on your onboarding program

Creating and sending an Arrows plan manually from HubSpot

A walk-through for creating, editing, and sharing an Arrows plan through the Arrows card inside of HubSpot Deals and Tickets