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15 Articles
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A guide for setting up Gates in your onboarding plans to control what tasks and phases a customer can see or access based on conditions of your choice!
Arrows task actions are designed to drive action. You can add different action types to your tasks to allow your customers to schedule their next call, upload their documents, watch a video, fill out a form, and much more!
A walk-through for how to set up and customize invitation emails for each template you create in Arrows.
A few email templates you can use to send your onboarding plan to customers to kick things off.
A guide for setting up a HubSpot workflow to create an Arrows plan based on the deal stage a customer is in and a bonus HubSpot task to notify your team a customer is ready to start onboarding
A comprehensive guide to connecting and using Arrows with HubSpot
Instructions to set up the data sync between Arrows plans and HubSpot custom properties
A walk-through for locating, reading, and taking action on your customer-facing plans without having to leave HubSpot
A walk-through for setting up an onboarding pipeline that can be used to visualize and report on your onboarding program
A walk-through for creating, editing, and sharing an Arrows plan through the Arrows card inside of HubSpot Deals and Tickets