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Automatically include tasks and phases in your plans

With Dynamic branching, you can include or exclude the tasks and phases in your onboarding plans so that each customer sees only the steps they need without your teams spending manual time updating each plan

Dynamic branching allows you to set up tasks and/or phases to automatically be included or excluded from plans based on conditions inside of a HubSpot property that the plan is tied to.

The value for your customers is that they will only see the tasks or phases that are related to their needs.

And the value for your onboarding teams is that they don't need customize every single plan manually for customers.

So instead of creating multiple different templates, that would capture all the different routes. A customer might take, you can create one main template and then dynamically show the appropriate tasks to those customers.

Let's look at a common application…

A very common application is if you have multiple different products, features, or services a customer can buy or use, but every customer might have a different combination of those things.

So here is an example of the different integrations required for this specific product, there is a property in HubSpot that indicates if the customer will be using the integration type for user data, email data, or payroll data.

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In the Arrows template, we have created three respective phases for each of those integration types, clicking the dynamic branching button will allow you to then set up these phases to be included or excluded based on the actual answers to the HubSpot property above.

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When you click the dynamic branching set up button you'll have the option to toggle on the feature for that specific phase (or task if you are doing it at a task-level).

Once the feature is turned on, you'll also have the option to pick and choose if you want the default behavior to be including that phase and then excluding it based on your conditions.

Or if you want to exclude it by default and include it based on your conditions – this is the example we are going to use below.

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In this example, the template is connected to a ticket object so we chose the ticket condition and then pick the property that we want to reference.

Since this phase was for the “user data” integration, we want to show it when the property includes the value “user data”

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Once you set your conditions for each phase, you'll notice that the dynamic branching button on the template edit mode, reflects that there is a branch and by default. It is going to be excluded.

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When you create a plan using that template, the customers will only see the phases and tasks that are branched according to their needs.

In this example, you can see on the right hand side that the property has no values in it, and intern the plan on the left is not showing any of those phases.

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Once the property is updated with a value and this example, “email data” - the phase for connect your email data will appear based on the conditions we said above.

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And since we use the operator for “include” in our condition set up, we can pick and choose between any of those property values and intern show those phases on the plane

So here you can see when all three options are picked on the property, all three of those phases appear inside of the plan.

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The example above demonstrates how you can use dynamic branching to show specific phases in your plans, but each individual task within a phase also has the option to use dynamic branching when you are editing that specific task.

As a bonus you can also use an Arrows form that is synced to that HubSpot property to fully automate this!

Here is an example of a task that has a form in it, and this form is synced to that same HubSpot property in our example above.

Whenever this form gets answered and submitted, those values get pushed to that property in HubSpot, and intern talk back to the plan to show the respective phases or tasks inside of that plan.

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Dynamically branched phases and tasks help reduce the amount of manual time it will take your on boarding teams to customize plans and they ensure that your customers will only see the tasks that are required for them to finish their onboarding!

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