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Data points available to sync from Arrows to HubSpot (onboarding plans)

Here are the available data points that can by synced into HubSpot in the form of properties (deal, ticket, or custom object).



Available in Growth, Business, and Enterprise plans

  • Plan status: The current status of the plan (ex: Active)
  • Plan target date: The target completion set on the plan (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Days until target date: The number of days until the target completion date (ex: 16)
  • Current task name: The current active task on the plan (ex: Schedule a meeting)
  • Current task assignee: The name of the person assigned to the current task (ex: Julia Johnson)
  • Days on current task: The number of days the current task has been active (ex: 2)
  • Overdue tasks: The total number of tasks with due dates that are past due (ex: 1)
  • Current phase name: The current active phase on the plan (ex: Getting Started)
  • Days on current phase: The number of days the current phase has been active (ex: 4)
  • Task completion percentage: The percentage of completed tasks versus total tasks in the plan (ex: 90%)
  • Current task due date: The due date of the current task (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Plan finished date: The date the plan status is changed from active to complete, archived, or failed. This will be updated if changed between any of the complete, archived, or failed statuses.

Plan Information


Available in Business and Enterprise plans only

  • Plan start date: The start date set on the plan (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Days since plan started: The number of days since the plan start date (ex: 7)
  • Elapsed time percentage: The percentage of elapsed time from the plan start date to the target date (ex: 95%)
  • Template name: The name of the template used to create the plan (ex: Enterprise Onboarding Plan)
  • Number of optional tasks: The total number of optional tasks in the plan (ex: 1)
  • Number of skipped tasks: The total number of skipped tasks in the plan (ex: 1)
  • Plan URL: A single-line text property with a link to the Arrows plan
  • Plan summary: A summary of recent activity on your Arrows plan
  • Plan Link: a rich-text property with a clickable plan link to be used in email snippets or templates in HubSpot
  • Plan name: The name of the Arrows plan (ex: Onboarding Plan for ACME Co)



Available in Business and Enterprise plans only

  • Views by participants: The total number of times participants have viewed the plan (ex: 25)
  • Point person last viewed: The date the point person last viewed the plan (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Participant last viewed: The date any participant last viewed the plan (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Most recent task completed: The name of the most recently completed task (ex: Upload your documents)
  • Most recent task completion date: The most recent date a task was completed (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Task completions by participant: The number of tasks completed by external plan participants
  • Participant task completion percentage: Of tasks that are assigned to external participants, the percentage that have been completed.

Task Information


Available on Business and Enterprise plans only

  • Current task URL: The URL of the current task
  • Current task description: The description of the current task
  • Current task assignee email: The email address of the person assigned to the current task (ex:
  • Current task due date: The due date of the current task (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Next coordinator task: The name of the next task assigned to the coordinator (ex: Book a call)
  • Next coordinator task due date: The due date of the next task assigned to the coordinator (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Next unassigned task: The name of the next unassigned task (ex: Book a call)
  • Next unassigned task due date: The due date of the next unassigned task (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Next participant task: The name of the next task assigned to a participant (ex: Book a call)
  • Next participant task due date: The due date of the next task assigned to a participant (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Next participant task assignee name: The name of the assignee of the next task assigned to a participant (ex: Julia Johnson)
  • Next participant task assignee email: The email of the assignee of the next task assigned to a participant (ex:
  • Most recent comment date: The date of the most recent comment (ex: 2022-11-03)
  • Most recent comment: The text of the most recent comment (ex: Hey, can you help please!)
  • Most recent comment URL: A link to the task with the most recent comment
  • Overdue participant tasks: The total number of participant tasks with due dates that are past due
  • Most recent file submission timestamp: The date and time of the most recent file submission
  • Most recent file submission task name: The name of the task that most recently received a file submission
  • Most recent file submission file name: The file name of the most recent file submission
  • Most recent file submission file url: The URL of the task that most recently received a file submission


Please let us know if there are additional plan data points you are hoping to sync that are not available in the list and we’ll work through getting them added!

If you’re looking to set up these properties in your own account, you can head to the Synced Properties section for plans. Select the data points you wish to sync and select Create & sync HubSpot properties to finish your setup.
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