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Access settings for your rooms

A guide explaining the access settings you can control for how your rooms are allowed to be viewed. Rooms can have open access or password protection.

You can control who has access to your rooms in a number of ways!


By default, anyone with the link to the room will be able to access it. Your prospects will NOT need to create an account or login to access a room.

The below options are to require anyone you share a room with to use a password and/or share their actual name and email with you to access the room.

This is so your prospects can quickly share it with anyone on their side.

You also have the options to…

  1. require new viewers to enter their name and email when accessing the link - this way you know who they actually are (versus just seeing anonymous views)
  1. and/or require new viewers to enter a password to enter the room when accessing the link.

These settings can be applied be set on your template(s) so they apply to every room you create and/or you can set them for individual rooms if it only applies to specific prospects.

In this guide, we will be setting the access levels at the template level.

Adjusting the access settings

When editing a template, you’ll see the option for Access settings in your left sidebar menu

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From here you’ll see the option to…

  1. require email and name to enter the room
  1. and/or password protect the room
  1. be sure to save when you are done making your selections
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Sharing a room

When you create a room from your starting template, the share panel will contain a shareable link with the password pre-saved.

You can copy and share that link directly with prospects who you want to grant access to.

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What your prospects will see

When you have either of these settings on, your prospects will see the following respective views when accessing the room link.


If the room is password protected, anyone accessing the generic link will see a message to enter the password to join.

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If the room the name and email is required, anyone accessing the generic link will see a message to enter their name and email to join…

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Note - by default these options are off because we believe it should be easy for your prospects to access and share these rooms.

Use these options accordingly when and where it makes sense for your process!

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