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Getting Started - Implementing Arrows

Getting Started - Implementing Arrows

Gate notification emails

Setting up custom gate notification emails to alert customers about their next set of tasks.

Managing File Uploads and Form Submissions

Learn how to seamlessly collect and sync customer information between Arrows and HubSpot using file uploads and form submissions.

Using Dynamic Text

Dynamic text allows you to automatically insert specific values into your Arrows plans based on data from HubSpot or Arrows itself. This feature helps you automate personalization for your plans, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.

Using Gates between tasks and phases

A guide for setting up Gates in your onboarding plans to control what tasks and phases a customer can see or access based on conditions of your choice!

A guide to Arrows’ email reminders

This guide details the types of notifications and reminders your participants will receive from their Arrows plan, and how you can control them!

Enhance your tasks with interactive task actions!

Arrows task actions are designed to drive action. You can add different action types to your tasks to allow your customers to schedule their next call, upload their documents, watch a video, fill out a form, and much more!

Customize and send plan invite emails from Arrows

A walk-through for how to set up and customize invitation emails for each template you create in Arrows.

Creating and using custom roles

Custom roles allow you to add placeholders to templates and plans so you can automatically assign tasks to those responsible individuals without all of the manual work to assign each task.

Embed task actions to speed up task completion

Embedding content into your mutual action plans can make it easier for your participants to get tasks done.

Using Sequential Phases to ensure urgent tasks get completed

The Sequential Phasing feature in Arrows allows you to require customers to complete all of the tasks within a phase before making the next set of tasks available for them.

Optional Tasks

Instructions for setting a task in your Arrows templates/plans as “optional”

Template settings

When you are creating or editing an Arrows Template, the Settings drawer is where you can access your general settings, your plan attributes, and other/advanced settings!

Automatically set plan start dates and target completion dates

Knowing the expected timeline of any project or plan is always helpful. Using plan start and target dates, along with relative task due-dates, can help you proactively communicate timelines.

Embed your coordinator’s scheduling calendar automatically into a task

Using a dynamic text tag, you can automatically update a scheduling page within a task based on the plan’s coordinator.