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A guide to Arrows’ email reminders

This guide details the types of notifications and reminders your participants will receive from their Arrows plan, and how you can control them!

Here is a breakdown of the types of email reminders that can be automatically sent from Arrows to your plan participants.

Arrows will send participants a reminder email anytime…

  1. tasks have an upcoming due-date
  1. tasks are over-due
  1. or, tasks have a comment with an @mention on them!

These reminders are intended to be clear and concise, driving your participant to take action on their plan.

Adjusting the default notification settings

From here, you’ll have the option

  1. turn on/off a weekly digest for each plan’s point person (the main POC on the customer side)
  1. turn on/off due date reminders
  1. if due date reminders are on - send an upcoming due date reminder
  1. if due date reminders are on - send a reminder email for every day a task is overdue
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Note: updating these organization settings will update the defaults for all templates and plans on your account.

We only send ONE reminder email a day for overdue emails. These emails simply state which tasks are overdue and provide links directly to them!

The email reminders

Upcoming and overdue due date emails

An email similar to the digest is sent for tasks with upcoming and overdue due dates (depending on your notification settings).

The idea is simply to remind your participants of this task and encourage them to open the plan to complete it.

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Comment notifications

And if the automated reminders still don’t do the trick, you can send comments to participants directly from the task.

This gives the participant a chance to reply with clarifying questions or an update.

And yes, this also sends a reminder email with the goal of getting your participant back into the plan to take action!

Here is an example of what that looks like:

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Adjusting the notification settings for individual participants

In addition to the organization-level settings we discussed above, you can also turn off notifications for individual plan participants if needed.

This is the same flow for customers who “unsubscribe” from email notifications.

From any plan’s Share panel, you can select Edit and adjust the notification settings accordingly for that participant

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As you create more plans and assign more tasks, the reminders will help keep customers moving forward and highlight steps in your process where they might be getting stuck, ideally ones you quickly iterate on and add clarity to keep things moving.

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